Top 9 Content Marketing Strategy Templates for 2023

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already familiar with the basics of content marketing. But what about the specifics? What is a good content marketing strategy look like in 2023?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you and your content team covered. In this blog post, we’ll share nine content marketing templates that will help with your content marketing goals in the coming year. Keep reading to learn more!

What are the best 9 Content Marketing Strategy Templates for 2023?

As we move into a new year, it’s important to take a step back and evaluate your content marketing plan template. You and your team should be asking Why is it still relevant? Are you reaching your target audience? Is it driving results? If not, it might be time for a change. But where do you start?

There are a lot of different content marketing strategy templates out there, but not all of them are created equal. Are you heading in the right direction as it relates to your business objectives? To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the top 9 content marketing strategy templates for 2023.

1. The Skyscraper Technique

The skyscraper technique is a tried-and-true method for generating more traffic and engagement with your content. The idea is simple: find a popular piece of content in your niche, and then you start creating content that is even better.

That’s great but how? To do this, start by doing some research on the most popular pieces of content in your space. And this will vary on your space and niche but look at a few resources who are your top competitors, go in their website content, look at their social media marketing.

What topics are people searching for? What type of content is performing well? Once you have a good understanding of what people are looking for, it’s time to start creating.

Your goal should be to create the best possible piece of content on the topic. This means going above and beyond in terms of research, writing, graphics, etc. If you can create a piece of content that is truly head and shoulders above the rest, you’ll be sure to attract attention—and traffic.

2. The Guest Posting Strategy

Guest posting is an excellent way to get your name and your business in front of a new audience. When done correctly, guest posting can also help improve your SEO by generating high-quality backlinks to your website.

To get started with guest posting, begin by identify high-traffic high-authority websites in your niche that accept guest posts. Once you’ve identify potential targets, reach out and pitch them on an article idea. If they’re interested, follow their guidelines and submit your article.

Your goal should be to provide value with your guest post while also promoting your business or website in a natural way. For example, if you’re a web designer, you could write a guest post about “The Top 10 Web Design Trends for 2023.” In the article, you could mention your own web design business as an example of one trend.

3. Repurposing Existing Content

If you already have high-quality content on your website that’s not getting the traction it deserves, consider repurposing it into other formats. For example, if you have a blog post that’s getting little traffic, turn it into an infographic or video and share it across social media or on other websites.

When repurposing existing content , always make sure that the new format adds value for the user. For example , if you’re taking an existing blog post and turning it into a video , make sure to add new information or insights that weren’t included in the original post . Simply reading the blog post aloud wouldn’t make for very interesting viewing!

4. Social Media Strategy Template

As social media continues to grow in popularity, it’s important to have a solid strategy for how you’re going to use it for your business. This template will help you plan out your social media content for the year, decide which platforms or online communities are right for you, and set some goals.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to meet the changes in consumer behavior. One way to do this is to create a solid social media strategy.

This could include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or promoting sales. Once the goals are established, the template should map out a plan for how to achieve them. Your social media strategy template for 2023 should include several key elements:

A clear understanding of your target audience:

Who is your target customer? What social media channels is your target audience using? Where are they hanging out online? Who exactly are you trying to reach with your social media campaigns?

What are their demographics, interests, and needs? Getting clear on these questions will help you identify your target customers buyer personas, this is important when trying to get and even more important keep your audience’s attention.

Defined goals and objectives:

Remember this is a free and organic search, how great is that? what do you hope to achieve with your social media strategy? For example, are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate leads?

A well-crafted content strategy:

what kind of content will you share on social media? How often will you post? What tone and style will your content have?

An effective promotion plan:

how will you get your content seen by your target audience? Will you use paid advertising, influencer marketing, or organic strategies?

By including these elements in your social media strategy template, you can set your business up for success in 2023 and beyond.

5. Email Marketing Strategy Template

Contrary to what you may have heard, Email is still one of the most effective ways to reach your customers and promote your product or service. Your email Marketing Strategy Template will help you plan out your email content marketing plan for the year, share your brand voice, create content assets for engaging content ideas, and track your results.

In order for your Email Marketing Strategy Template to be effective in 2023 your email campaign template should consider the following factors:

  • segmentation of the email list
  • personalization of email content
  • use of relevant images
  • A/B testing of subject lines and
  • call to action buttons
  • inclusion of social media sharing buttons

Email Marketing Strategy Template should also be designed for mobile devices since a large percentage of email users access their email on their smartphones. Email Marketing Strategy Template that are not mobile-friendly will have a lower chance for success in 2023.

It’s important to also think about how you are going to nurture your audience, make sure they have a good user experience. Optimize your landing page, create an email marketing strategy content plan with high performing content that is taking your audience in a customer journey that is addressing and actually providing value your audience’s pain points.

6. SEO Strategy Template

As you know, SEO is an ever-changing landscape and what worked last year may not work this year as it can change in a moment’s notice. That’s why it’s important to have a solid SEO strategy template that you can rely on to guide your decisions and keep you on track.

This template will help you plan out your SEO strategy for the year, including keyword research, content optimization, and link building via blog posts, website traffic, paid media or distribution channels for your target customers.

Here are a few things to consider when crafting your SEO strategy template for 2023:

– First, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. More and more people are using their mobile devices to search the web, so it’s essential that your site is designed for smaller screens.

– Second, focus on creating content that is both informative and keyword-rich. SEO isn’t just about cramming keywords into your pages – it’s also about providing value to your users. By creating high-quality content, you’ll be able to attract more organic traffic and improve your search rankings.

– Finally, don’t forget to leverage social media with your SEO templates. While social media signals aren’t directly part of Google’s ranking algorithm, they can still indirectly affect your SEO. Make sure you’re active on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, or your preferred platform and be sure to share your content with your followers consistently.

By following these tips, you can create an SEO strategy template that will be effective in 2023 and beyond. Stay ahead of the curve and keep your website visible in the search engines!

7. The Evergreen Template

This template is perfect for companies that offer products or services that remain relevant year after year. If your business falls into this category, your content marketing strategy should focus on creating evergreen content—pieces that will remain relevant and valuable long after they’re first published.

To do this, start by identifying the topics and keywords that are most relevant to your business. Once you’ve done that, create a monthly editorial calendar that outlines when you’ll publish new pieces and which platforms you’ll use to promote them. And don’t forget to keep an eye on your analytics so you can continually optimize your evergreen content for maximum impact!

8. The Seasonal Template

Not all businesses are blessed with products or services that have year-round appeal. If yours is one of them, don’t despair—a seasonal content marketing strategy can be just as effective (if not more so).

The key with a seasonal content marketing strategy is to start planning early. This means identifying the topics and keywords you want to target several months in advance and creating an editorial calendar that takes into account things like holiday promotions and industry events. By getting a head start on your content creation, you’ll be able to hit the ground running when the busy season finally arrives.

9. The Newsjacking Template

If you really want to make an impact with your content marketing in 2023, consider incorporating a newsjacking element into your strategy. Newsjacking is the process of creating timely content around trending topics in order to boost your visibility and engagement levels.

Of course, newsjacking isn’t without its risks—if done poorly, it can backfire spectacularly. But if executed deftly, it can be a powerful tool for driving traffic and generating leads. So if you’re feeling adventurous, why not give it a try?


These are just nine of the many content marketing strategy templates available to help you plan and execute a successful content marketing campaign in 2023.

But no matter which template you choose, always remember : quality over quantity in my opinion is better way to measure success as it will help put you ahead of the vast majority of content marketers producing content without regards for the value or quality if their content efforts.

It’s my belief that It’s better to have one really great piece of relevant content than 10 mediocre ones. So be sure to do content audit, take your time, plan carefully, and most importantly, focus on creating high – quality content that will resonate with your target audience.

No matter what kind of business goals you have or what industry you’re in, these nine content marketing strategy templates will help ensure your success in 2023! So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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