The Only Time That Matters Is Now! My Wish for Us This Mother’s Day

As Mother’s Day approaches, I want to take a moment for us, the moms of the world, to reflect on what truly matters in life. For me, three things stand paramount: now more than ever before, health, relationships, and freedom. Today, however, I want to focus on Freedom in all its glorious forms – time freedom, location freedom, financial freedom, and that sweet serene peace of mind.

Being a single mom of three, I definitely understand the importance of freedom. We’ve been warriors, beacons, constantly juggling roles and responsibilities, always prioritizing others over ourselves. Yes, NOTHING to me if more important than my kids but it’s exhausting; and there is absolutely nothing I wouldn’t do for them.

But now, it’s time for a shift. It’s time to create a life from which you don’t need a vacation. A life that doesn’t revolve around to-do lists, client needs, relentless self-judgment, or a longing for better. It’s time to live in the now, cherishing each moment as it unfolds.

I want to emphasize that I believe that wherever we find ourselves in life right now, it’s due to our own choices. The decisions we’ve made good or bad, the paths we’ve taken, have led us here. And ‘here’ is not a bad place to be, irrespective of what our circumstances may be. It’s a place of learning, a place of growth. We must remember, we are the masters of our fate, the captains of our ships and souls.

Life is good, even when it may not feel like it. But it’s crucial to stop waiting for the ‘right’ time because the time to start is now. I invite you to join me on this journey. Let’s go after everything. Time freedom to spend those precious moments with our children. Location freedom to explore this beautiful world. Financial freedom to make choices that align with your heart’s desires. And the freedom that comes from a peaceful mind, unburdened by to-do lists, jobs or client needs, chores, or self-judgment.

We possess an incredible understanding that you and I, my friend, are the masters of our destiny. It’s vital to express and feel gratitude every day. Gratitude for the little things – the laughter of our children, the warmth of the sun on our skin, the food on our table. And gratitude for the big things too – the love we receive, the strength we possess, the dreams we harbor.

So, let’s move forward with grace and courage, knowing that every step we take brings us closer to the freedom we yearn for. And if you haven’t been told recently, despite how much you love your kids and we know they love us right back; if you still feel alone I want you to know; you are not alone. Motherhood is hard, a lot harder than most of us are willing to admit. You are amazing and I am here for you!

Also, remember, freedom is not a destination; it’s a way of living. So, go have an amazing Mother’s Day and let’s live free together, let’s live fully, let’s live with all our hearts and souls because we are worth it.

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