11 Best Jobs for Single Moms Without Degrees for 2023!

girl, mother, daughter

I recently read a statistic that said that “women run nearly 13 million US businesses and provide jobs for nearly 10 million people rending in $1.9 million in revenue”! Single moms are some of the most hardworking people in the world. They have to balance taking care of their children with working to provide for them. It can be tough to find a job that pays well and is flexible enough to accommodate a busy mom’s schedule.

Can you believe some people still have the common belief that you need at least a bachelor’s degree college is the only path to a successful career? When in fact some of the most wealthiest people were college drop outs! Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson just to name a few.

If you are on your way to build the next Meta, Go girl! I’m rooting for you! However this post is for mom’s who have not completed a degree to but want to make sure they can find a good jobs that cab offer work-life balance and a good income.

In today’s economy, many employers value experience and skills over formal education, and there are many occupations that do not require a bachelor’s degree or any college degree at all. With some research and exploration, it is possible to find a fulfilling career without a formal degree.

In this blog post, we will discuss eleven jobs that are perfect for single moms in 2023! These jobs offer good pay and flexibility, and they can be done from home!

What are the best jobs for single mom’s with no degree ideas?

park, mother, girl

1. Virtual Assistant:

National average annual salary: Work From Home Virtual Assistant in the United States is $59,888 a year.

Virtual assistants is considered one of the best jobs for moms and even better for single moms with no degree who wants a flexible schedule , ability to work from home and work life balance. If you have excellent customer service skills this could be a great option for you. As a virtual assistant, you would typically do a lot of administrative support roles such as managing social media accounts, data entry clerk, most bookkeeping tasks, project management, you can be doing research, and writing jobs. This job is perfect for someone with strong organizational skills and good writing skills.

2. Freelance writing or editing:

Freelance writers you get to own schedules. Many moms are skilled writers and editors, and can make good money working from home doing freelance writing or editing projects. Whether you specialize in blog posts, social media management, product reviews, marketing copy, website content, or other forms of written content, as a freelance writer there are many online marketplaces that can connect you with businesses or clients who need your services.

3. Web Designers:

If you have a creative flair and good technical skills, web designing could be a great job for you. As a web designer, you would create websites for businesses and individuals. This job is perfect for someone who is creative and has good attention to detail. This is something needed in every niche including medical and legal organizations.

If you’re interested in becoming a web designer, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of getting hired. First, make sure you have a strong portfolio that showcases your best work. Secondly, stay up-to-date on the latest trends in web design so that you can offer your clients cutting-edge solutions. Finally, don’t be afraid to network with other designers and professionals in the industry; many employers are more likely to hire candidates who come recommended by someone they know and trust. By following these tips, you can land your dream job as a web designer.

4. Graphic Designers:

As a Graphic designer is an ideal job for creative single moms. In this job, you would create designs for businesses and individuals. You would need to have strong creative skills and be able to use design software such as Adobe Photoshop or other photo editing programs. This role typically comes with some cool perks such as flexible hours. So if you enjoy editing software this is a great option for you.

If you are interested in getting started in graphic design, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. First, it is important to gain some formal training in the field. This can be done through a degree program or by taking online courses. In addition, it is helpful to build up a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and talents. Finally, networking with other designers and professionals in the field can also help you get your foot in the door. By following these tips, you will be on your way to pursuing a career in graphic design.

5. SEO Specialist:

An SEO specialist is responsible for helping businesses improve their ranking on search engines such as Google. This job is perfect for someone with good analytical skills and a keen interest in digital marketing. There are a lot of job opportunities in this field and if this sounds up your ally you may be able to turn this into a small businesses. This is also an option for those looking for remote work.

6. Copywriter:

There is a huge demand for good copy writers. A copywriter is responsible for writing compelling content that sells products or services. This job is perfect for someone with strong writing skills and a knack for persuasion. This job is also typical to have a lot of companies hire these as remote work or home jobs.

7. Social Media Manager:

A very popular job right now with all the different opportunities great social media managers are in high demand. You will find that you will manage social media accounts and include both part time and full time job. Even is not full time this can be an option for a nice side hustle or ability to to make extra money doing something you enjoy if social media is something you enjoy. You will be responsible for creating and managing social media accounts for businesses or content creators. This job is perfect for someone with strong understanding of how social media works and a great place to start is with your preferred social media platform.

8. Online Sales and Marketing:

In the current day and age, it is more important than ever for businesses to have an online presence. As a result, there is a growing demand for professionals who are skilled in sales and marketing. If you have experience in sales and marketing, consider pursuing a job in this field.  Whether you’re a craft mom looking to sell your creations online or an experienced marketer or graphic designer who wants to help other businesses boost their brand exposure, there are plenty of opportunities for work-from-home jobs that bring in revenue for moms.  And while is true that there is a lot more competition on the market it is also true that the demand continues to grow exponentially so not it’s not too late; however, you do have to be intentional and produce good work. Many online marketplaces connect businesses with freel

9. Online course creation:   

If you are an expert in a particular subject area, you can leverage this knowledge by creating an online course that teaches others how to do the same thing.  And let’s be honest here you don’t have to be an “expert” as in you went to school and had professional training.  Think about what people come to you for.  There is a high demand for online courses related to everything from cooking and gardening to web development and pet care, and the opportunities for revenue generation are virtually limitless.  If you can help people save time by sharing your process you can have a course.

10. Affiliate marketing:  

Affiliate marketing can be a highly lucrative side hustle or a full-time job if you choose.  It is competitive and you do have to put time and effort into building an audience either via email list or social media so it can take time but in short this involves you partnering with brands you like and trust to promote their products or services, earning a commission on sales generated as a result of your promotional efforts. 

11. Vintage Reseller:  

If you love shopping name brands and you have an eye for design on top fo the trends then this is for you!  Reselling clothing websites like Tradesy, eBay or Facebook Marketplace can turn into a profitable business. One of the best examples is the clothing store Nasty Gal, which started out as an eBay store selling second-hand vintage clothing.   You can find stock to sell in your local second-hand and charity shops and you might want to look for local yard sales. 

To Recap? What are other options that you should consider if you are looking for a job in 2023 without a degree?

  • Virtual assistants
  • Freelance writer
  • Website designer
  • Graphic designer
  • SEO Specialist
  • Copywriter
  • Social Media Manager
  • Online Sales and Marketing
  • Online Course Creation
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Vintage Reseller

These are just some of the great jobs that are perfect for single moms in 2023! If you have the necessary skills, you can start your own business and work from home or if you dont have a degree but have the skill or the ability to get skilled in any of these jobs with a little bit of planning and hard work, you can make a great living as any of these 11 jobs that are all on demand and are projected to continue to grown in 2023.

Before I end this post, from one single mom to another. Even if all of the above options scare you because you do not have the skills yet you can get them. And I want to remind you that some of the wealthiest people you likely know, made their fortune without a college degree which means you can too!

A quick reminder from one single mom to another

As a mom, you have a lot of skills that are transferable to the workforce. You are also capable of learning new things quickly and adapting to change.

The jobs on this list will be in high demand in 2023 and they are all roles that you can excel at without a college degree. So if you’re looking for a career change or want to reenter the workforce after being a stay-at-home mom, these are great options to consider.

Have you tried any of these jobs? Did I miss any important ones? Let me know in the comments below!

Regardless of your job title,

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