How I went from Corporate Burnout to Empowering Entrepreneurs to Soar in Business and Savor Life’s Precious Moments

My name is Liz Castellano and this is my blog and My Story

Who am I

I’m Liz Castellano, founder of Ottmin, a passionate single mom, and an expert in procedure optimization and automation. I empower small businesses to save time, boost efficiency, and drive profits with innovative, user-friendly technology solutions, while cherishing life’s moments with the ones we love.

What I Love To Do

Strolling along stunning tropical beaches, embracing adventure, engaging in conversations with awesome individuals, and listening to the rhythm of Latin tunes. I also find immense fulfillment in empowering entrepreneurs to reach new heights of success and enjoy life to the fullest.

“Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Hola! Welcome to my page. I’m Liz Castellano, the founder of Ottmin—an innovative SaaS platform I’m also a consultant committed to helping small businesses attract more clients, boost efficiency, and drive profits.

As a dedicated single mom to three amazing kids, I understand the challenges of balancing work and family life. With over a decade of experience in procedure optimization and automation, I’ve successfully guided teams in implementing and refining centralized systems for 400+ medical offices, streamlining operations and enhancing patient experiences.

My expertise and passion for helping others inspired the creation of Ottmin, a solution designed to address the unique needs of small business owners and medical professionals. I know the pressure of managing multiple responsibilities, satisfying growing customer demands, and feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day.

Ottmin aims to help business owners gain more clients and appointments without spending on ads or mastering complex systems or funnels. Our mission is to empower small business owners to elevate client satisfaction and profits while saving time for what truly matters.

At Ottmin, we advocate for inclusion and equality. We believe in living in the present and cherishing time with our children, spouses, parents, and friends. Our philosophy is that it’s possible to achieve a thriving business, financial success, and the freedom to enjoy life with the ones we love.

My journey into entrepreneurship hasn’t been easy, but my love for freedom and helping others succeed has driven me to push past my fears. I’m now a recognized expert in developing, executing, and optimizing automations, systems, teams, and customer relations and engagement, making my transition to founding Ottmin and becoming a consultant smoother.

I’m thrilled to help entrepreneurs, small business owners, side hustlers, and solopreneurs at Ottmin. Our belief is that time is our most precious resource and the only time that truly matters is now. With that in mind, our mission is to empower small businesses to make the most of every moment by providing innovative, user-friendly technology solutions that save time, increase efficiency, and expand their customer base.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for visiting and reading my story. I’m delighted we’re connected, and I’m here for you, excited and supportive of our journey together.

With Much Love & Sazon  💕 ⚡💕

Liz Castellano

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” — Oprah Winfrey

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