21 Best Gift Ideas for Mom Entrepreneurs you need to get this Christmas & Holiday Season in 2022!

christmas, presents, gifts

Are you wondering what to get the female powerhouse in your life that is not only a mom but also a business owner this holiday season? Let’s be honest, female business owners are a special breed. They’re often juggling a million different balls, husbands or partners, kids, home, pets, bills, dinner, shopping, family, friends, the list is endless and lets face it having kids and a business is having two or more 24/7 jobs; I’m tired just thinking about all of the things.

The majority of these women accomplish this by working incredibly hard so lots of early mornings, to late nights and weekends so they can build a life and impact they were intended to have.

So if you landed on this post looking for a special gift for that special someone who happens to also in the elite group of amazing female entrepreneurs who taking care of their businesses, their family, and hopefully also themselves, while taking charge of their future then this list is for you.

If you looking for next gift idea, for an amazing female business owners beyond your typical: gift card, reusable water bottles or coffee mug and instead your in search of something special, practical or even a unique gift for your fearless female entrepreneur, mom, girlfriend, fiancée, friend, or know a baddie by your side that is on the grind of building and growing their own business, the below gift guide is for you; no worries, you can thank me later!

I’ve gone ahead and done the work for you so you don’t have to. The holidays are coming up and that means it’s time to start thinking about what are some new ideas for that awesome female entrepreneur your lucky to have in your life.

Below are 19 of the best gift for the female entrepreneurs in your life. Perfect for the hard working single moms & business owners you can get this holiday season in 2022!

From helpful tools and affordable options to luxurious treats, t

here is something for everyone on this list. So don’t wait any longer, let’s start shopping today!

What Are The Best Christmas Gifts Ideas for Mom Entrepreneurs in 2022? Below is the only list you need!

coffee, cup, macbook
  1. iPad A must have for a new business owner, a fantastic gift idea for any female entrepreneur is an iPad. To say that she likely has a busy schedule is an understatement. An iPad It’s a versatile tool that can be used for business and personal purposes. From checking email to managing social media accounts, calendar management, taking notes, etc. an iPad is perfect for the busy mom entrepreneur.
  2. Apple Watch A thoughtful gift idea for the mom entrepreneur is an Apple Watch. If your super mom works from home or a sitting a lot because of her job this is a must-have. A great way for her to remember to take care of herself first so she can continue to help others and take over the world!
  1. Wall Art When you have an online business a beautiful piece of wall art is a perfect way to show your appreciation for the hard-working female entrepreneur in your life. Something pretty or a nice motivational quote can also be unique gifts for your favorite entrepreneur.
  2. Office Chairs I know not the “typical” thing you think about when you think Christmas but trust me a as a business owner having a comfortable office chair is a one of the best gifts for entrepreneurs you can give for your love one. After all, they spend a lot of time sitting at their desk working and proper back support is a must-have; make sure the chair is ergonomically correct is sure to be an awesome gift idea.
  3. A laptop stand most business owners regardless of their niche need a laptop to run at least some parts of their business and when thinking of gift giving for practical and affordable options is a laptop stand automatically comes to mind, especially for small business owners for my fellow female entrepreneur who is always on the go. It’s perfect for traveling and working from coffee shops or anywhere else with limited space.
  4. A standing desk what is one of the perfect gifts for entrepreneurs especially for my girls looking for ways way to improve posture and reduce back pain. I work sitting down a lot and this is a must have for any small business owners especially those working from home. If you have a hard working mom/ female who is also a new business owner that works long hours at their desk this is a great gift idea.
  5. Noise-Cancelling Headphones Noise-cancelling headphones are a lifesaver for any mom or female entrepreneur who works from home. They help to block out distractions and allow you to stay focused throughout the day. Does your Dog or furry baby goes crazy when the mailman/woman comes every day? No longer a problem!
  6. Audible Membership An Audible membership is a business gifts for that female entrepreneur who loves to read but doesn’t have a lot of time or doesn’t like to read but rather consume books through listening to content with Audible, she can listen to her favorite books while she’s working, commuting, or even doing chores around the house.
  7. Email Marketing Software If your female entrepreneur is online at all an email list is an is a must have so one of the best gifts for entrepreneurs is a mail marketing software because not only will you be helping her be more efficient this is also a powerful way to stay in touch with customers and build relationships, which will save your favorite business owner time and help her stay organized.
  8. Coffee subscriptions Coffee is a necessity for any mom entrepreneur. Chances are your mom either drinks coffee or tea and if she doesn’t drink either then I’m concerned for you because let’s face it, she may be a robot; because who survives motherhood while building a business without coffee? A coffee subscription is a great way to make sure she always has fresh, delicious coffee on hand (and functions each day 🙂
  9. A gift certificate to her favorite spa A day at the spa is a great gift for pretty much any special occasion, ladies am I right? And is not surprise that is a perfect way for the mom entrepreneur to relax and recharge. This is also a personalized gifts as you can tailor to what your entrepreneur likes most. As a business owner, you are always on the go, most times wearing multiple hats at the same time and often you need a little time to relax and rejuvenate and avoid burnout. A day at the spa is the perfect way to let her know you appreciate all she does.
  10. Wine Subscriptions Wine? Yes Please! This is an awesome gift idea if the lady in your life likes to unwind after a long day of work and may I dare add that wine can help with relationship building after all; who said brunch with the girls had to happen on Sunday?
  11. Pretty Planners / Journal/ Notebook – I’m obsessed with pretty planners, notebooks, and journals. These can be very thoughtful gift. And Yes, I know we all have most of this in a digital format already but writing things down is a form of relaxation it helps take things from our head and put it down on paper to create more room for the million ideas we go through each day. Pretty Journals and Notebooks with pretty pens and makers are a must.
  12. A whiteboard – In my opinion a whiteboard is an excellent gift for entrepreneurs Along the lines of the above this is a must-have tool for interactive exercises of all kinds such as planning; training, brainstorming ideas, and or meetings with your team or clients. Depending on your budget and how often your female entrepreneur uses them you can get something inexpensive to some high-tech ones as well.
  13. At-home gym equipment Gym memberships can be expensive, so at-home gym equipment is a great alternative for the mom entrepreneur who wants to stay fit. This can mean a lot of different things such as an exercise bike like Peleton or a treadmill or even some bands and weights and a Yoga mat. It depends on what your female boss enjoys.
  14. VA services What is your love language? Mine is acts of service and as a busy entrepreneur anything that helps buy me time is a the type of gifts for entrepreneurs that I like to give and receive. So if your looking to do more than gift giving but also support her in her journey consider giving hiring a Virtual Assistant for some time this will give her the gift of time so she can focus on revenue-generating activities, a VA can help with tasks like managing her social media, customer service, bookkeeping, and more. Regardless of the niche, there are plenty of VA services to choose from; you can find them on sites like Upwork and Fiveer. A Virtual Assistant can be a game changer especially if she is a solopreneur this is on list of amazing gifts for entrepreneurs.
  15. Healthy Meal Services Healthy meal services are the perfect gift for the mom entrepreneur who wants to eat healthy but doesn’t have the time to cook or like me I just don’t like to cook. With these services, she can have healthy meals delivered right to her door. Anything that gives me more time to work on my business or spend quality time with my family gift to me.
  16. Candles Candles are a nice gift that will help create a relaxing atmosphere.
  17. Professional Photo Shoot A professional photo shoot is a one of the best ideas for the mom or female entrepreneur who is looking to update her headshots or website and get some great pictures that reflect her beauty and personality to her clients.
  18. Calm or Headspace App subscription is a great way to relax and help foster that meditation routine we all need especially those any small business owner as we are typically constantly on the go and have a hard time sitting still or calming our minds.
  19. A weekend away at a bed and breakfast A weekend away at a bed and breakfast is the perfect way for the mom entrepreneur to relax and recharge. It’s a great opportunity for her to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend some time in her favorite place doing whatever she enjoys, regardless if that is out in nature hiking or my favorite the beach or just exploring a new area with cute boutiques shopping local businesses; checking out a restaurant whatever her thing is. But here is a word of advice, most women I know especially those of us having to make decisions all day do not want to plan it; don’t just pay for a weekend away; plan it. Make sure you leave some room to do nothing but your goal is to help her NOT Have To Think! This piece of advice can help save relationships!relaxing, lounging, saturday

There are endless possibilities when it comes to finding the perfect gift for the mom entrepreneur in your life. Just make sure it’s something that she will appreciate and find useful. With a little thought, you’re sure to find the perfect present that will make her work life a little easier and help her relax and recharge.

What Are Affordable Gifts for Mom Entrepreneurs or new Female?

As a mom entrepreneur myself I can assure you that any mom and female entrepreneur will love any gifts because what matters most is the thought and the fact that you took time and energy to make her feel special. However, I know that money is tight for a lot of people in the current economy; know that the above things such as coffee subscriptions, Audible subscriptions, or even beautiful wall art are all things that are also affordable and practical to ensure that mom is left behind.

What are other affordable suggestions that are also great gifts ideas for any successful entrepreneur or new business owners:

  • blue light blocking glasses
  • coffee accessories
  • noise canceling headphones
  • essential oil diffuser
  • gift basket
  • a new updated coffee maker
  • Bluetooth speaker

What is the best gift you can get your Super Mom & CEO?

happy mothers day, mom, for children

You. Of course, you know moms are entrepreneurs at heart, so this is the perfect gift for them. These affordable and practical gifts will make their work life a little easier while also helping them to relax and recharge after long days of being on the go! Don’t miss out – order now before it’s too late (hint: some of these items may end up in back order).

Hurry and order before the holidays come and go, and don’t forget to share with your friends!

So what do you think? Did I miss anything? What other gifts can you add to this list? Did you buy your mom entrepreneur a gift that was a big hit that I didn’t mention? Share with me; I would love to get some feedback so please Email me your feedback at liz@lizcastellano.com.

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