18 Top Mom Blogs That Keep It Real About Motherhood

Are there any blogs that really keep it real about motherhood?

So, ladies, let’s face it – we love our kids, there’s no doubt about it. We can’t imagine life without them. I know I would literally give up my life for mine – stand in front of a car, bullet or tiger for them. But can we do without the 53 fights a day? The eye rolling, the 9 year old who suddenly believes she’s a life expert, and not to mention, the teenage that has us questioning every single decision we have ever made in our whole lives because after all; they are part of an exclusive club that assures them, 100% guaranteed with full refund no questions asked that they have all the answers?

It’s safe to say that raising kids is not always easy. But it’s also worth it. We gave our bodies; sleep; life as we knew it; to birth them, take care of them and help them grow into amazing adults. So even though it can be tough at times, we should be proud of ourselves for everything we’ve accomplished as moms.

From the early days of pregnancy to the joys and challenges of raising kids, motherhood is a beautiful adventure. But truth is it’s not always easy. Is it worth it, absolutely; there is nothing i wouldn’t do for mine and I’m a better person because of them. So I went looking to see if I could find other REAL moms like me that are “keeping it real” about motherhood so i went searching for other mom bloggers.

Thankfully, I found other moms out there who are sharing their tales of motherhood—the good, the bad, and the ugly. These mommy blog are writing about everything in their parenting journey, from breastfeeding struggles to potty training fails, their parenting strategies, saving money and even delicious recipes and they’re keeping it real about what it means to be a mom in their parenting blog.

So if you need a little momspiration (or just a good laugh), check out these 18 top mom blogs that keep it real about motherhood.

Below you you will find a list of what I found to be some of the best mommy blogs that cover everything from pregnancy advice, parenting tips, family life, raising children, mental health, and much more and they all have different backgrounds there is someone on this list you will relate to, from stay at home moms to working moms, to corporate moms and many more some with one, multiple kiddos and even twin mom, so dive in and enjoy!

1. The Mommy Dialogues

Run by a group of six moms from different walks of life, The Mommy Dialogues is all about celebrating the joys and challenges of motherhood. From posts on postpartum depression to pieces on parenting hacks, this blog has something for everyone. And since it’s written by a group of moms, a fantastic resource of mommy blog expert and you know that the advice is coming from a place of experience.

2. Breastfeeding Mama Talk

Started by a lactation consultant and registered nurse Emily Hancock, Breastfeeding Mama Talk is a go-to resource for all things breastfeeding. Emily covers everything from tips on increasing your milk supply to troubleshooting latch issues, and she even has a section devoted to pumping tips in her motherhood stories. This blog is an invaluable resource for nursing moms everywhere.

3. The Badass Breastfeeder

The Badass Breastfeeder is all about normalizing breastfeeding—because let’s face it, it’s not always easy. Founder Chelsey Korus deals with everything from obstacles like low milk supply to body image issues, and she does it with wit and humor you will get so much out of her amazing tips. So if you’re looking for a relatable breastfeeding blog, this is the one for you.

4. Procrastinacion Con Gancho

This award-winning Spanish-language blog is written by Celia Jaiver, a working mom from Spain. Celia covers everything from maternity leave to sleep training, and her honest approach to motherhood will resonate with moms everywhere—no matter what language they speak. So whether you’re a Spanish speaker or just looking for some international momspiration, be sure to check out Procrastinacion Con Gancho for one of the best mom bloggers on the motherhood community.

5. Life With my Littles

Started by stay-at-home mom Kari kneelington in 2013, Life With My Littles chronicles her journey through motherhood—the highs and the lows. Kari writes openly and honestly about everything from postpartum depression to potty training struggles, and her raw approach to motherhood is both refreshing and relatable. If you’re in need of some reassurance that you’re not alone in this parenting gig, look no further than Life With My Littles.

6. The idioticwife

SarahTonin began The idioticwife as an anonymous blog chronicling her life as a stay-at-home mom (hence the name), but she has since revealed her identity and come out with several books based on her popular blog posts. She’s hilarious, relatable, and always willing to keep it real when it comes to parenting… even if that means making fun of herself along the way! The idioticwife is required reading for any mom looking for a good laugh (and some solid advice too).

7. The Bloggess

Jenny Lawson, aka The Bloggess, is the queen of keeping it real when it comes to motherhood (and life in general). She’s hilariously honest about the ups and downs of the motherhood journey, and her writing will have you nodding your head in recognition even as you laugh out loud. If you’re not already reading her blog, you’re seriously missing out.

8. Momma Went Crazy

Is a mom blog that covers a wide range of topics, from motherhood and parenting to fashion and beauty. The blog is written by Stephanie Daniels, a mother of two who has been blogging for over six years. Stephanie offers her readers an honest, relatable voice and a sense of humor that comes through in her writing. In addition to her own blog, Stephanie is also the co-founder of the popular parenting website Scary Mommy. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband and two young children.

9 . Homegirlossip

Homegirlossip is a mom blog that covers a wide range of topics related to parenting, homemaking, and lifestyle. The blog is written by a team of bloggers who share their tips, advice, and experiences on everything from pregnancy and childbirth to child-rearing and home management.

In addition to offering helpful insights and advice, Homegirlossip also provides readers with a sense of community and support. The blog regularly features guest posts from other mom bloggers, as well as interviews with experts on various topics. Whether you’re looking for information on breastfeeding or potty training, Homegirlossip is a great resource for parents of all stages.

10 . Diary Of A Fit Mommy

Diary Of A Fit Mommy is a blog created by Stefanie Williams, a mother who is also a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor. The blog covers a range of topics related to health and fitness, including workout tips, healthy recipes, and advice and balancing life while staying motivated. However, what sets Diary Of A Fit Mommy apart from other health and fitness websites is its focus on motherhood.

Williams provides readers with practical advice on how to stay fit and healthy while also juggling the demands of parenthood. In addition, she regularly shares personal stories and insights about her own journey as a fit mom. As a result, Diary Of A Fit Mommy is an invaluable resource for mothers who are looking to lead healthier lives.

11 . Tribulations and Triumphs

Tribulations and Triumphs is a mom blog that covers a wide range of topics related to parenting. Whether it’s dealing with the challenges of potty training or the joys of watching your child take his first steps, the blog provides readers with an honest, relatable account of the ups and downs of motherhood. In addition to its personal stories, the blog also features product reviews, tips and advice from experts, and helpful resources for parents. Whether you’re a new mom looking for guidance or a seasoned parent in need of a chuckle, Tribulations and Triumphs is sure to offer something of interest.

12 . Momsanity

Is a blog written by moms for moms. It provides an honest and relatable perspective on the challenges of motherhood, as well as tips and tricks for navigating them. The blog covers a wide range of topics, from infant sleep schedules to Picky eaters to potty training. It also includes product recommendations and reviews, as well as personal stories from the author and other mom bloggers. Ultimately, Momsanity is a valuable resource for any mom who is looking for support, advice, and laughter through the ups and downs of motherhood.

13 . Military Wives In Focus

Military Wives In Focus is a blog written by spouses of service members. The blog covers a wide range of topics, from the everyday challenges of busy mom in the military life to the unique experiences of military families. In addition to providing readers with an insider’s view of military life, the blog also offers advice and support for military spouses. Whether you’re facing a deployment or coping with the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder, Military Wives In Focus can provide you with the information and support you need.

14 . Mamavation

Is a mom blog with a difference. It’s all about empowering women to lead healthy and active lifestyles – both physically and mentally. Whether it’s getting fit, eating right or managing stress, Mamavation is here to help moms everywhere achieve their goals.

With a team of expert contributors, Mamavation offers practical advice, motivation, and support – everything you need to make positive changes in your life. So why not join the Mamavation community today and start taking steps towards a healthier, happier you?

15 . Scary Mommy

Is a popular mom blog that covers a wide range of topics related to parenting. While the site covers a variety of serious topics, it also has a lighthearted and humorous tone that many readers appreciate. In addition to articles on parenting advice, the site also features personal essays, humor pieces, and even recipes.

While Scary Mommy is geared toward mothers, it is also popular with fathers and other caregivers. The site has something for everyone interested in the challenges and joys of parenting. Whether you are looking for a laugh or some serious advice, Scary Mommy is a great resource for parents of all ages.

16 . Labour Tales

Is a mom blog that focuses on the various challenges and joys of motherhood. Labour Tales was founded by two best friends who were struggling to find frank and funny stories about motherhood that reflected their own experiences one of which was a labor and delivery nurse Kate Dries, who brings her unique perspective to topics such as breastfeeding, sleep deprivation, and postpartum recovery.

In addition to her personal stories, Dries also provides helpful tips and resources for new and expecting moms. Whether you’re looking for advice on how to deal with a fussy baby or simply want to read about another mom’s experiences, Labour Tales is an informative and entertaining read.

17 . For Crying Out Loud

Is a mom blog that keeps it real. From the 3am feedings to the never-ending laundry pile, motherhood can be overwhelming. But it can also be beautiful, messy, and funny. For Crying Out Loud celebrates all of it. This is a space for moms to share their stories, voice their frustrations, and find a little community (and maybe even a good laugh) along the way. So whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, a first-time mom or a seasoned pro, we welcome you to For Crying Out Loud.

18 . Seriously Not Boring

Mom blogs are a dime a dozen these days. But what sets Seriously Not Boring apart is its focus on reinventing yourself after becoming a parent. Whether it’s starting a new business, getting back into shape, or simply rediscovering your sense of style, the blog is full of inspiring stories and tips for moms who want to make a fresh start.

In a world where motherhood is often portrayed as limiting, As as single mom her content is is awesome. Seriously Not Boring celebrates the many ways that becoming a parent can be an opportunity to reinvent yourself and create a life that you love.


Being a mother is hard, but it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. If you’re looking for some honest and real advice about motherhood, be sure to check out these 18 top mom blogs. From tips on how to deal with tantrums to the joys and challenges of breastfeeding, lifestyle blog and even family fun, these busy moms and bloggers keep it real about all aspects of motherhood.

So whether you’re a first-time mom or a seasoned parent, be sure to add these blogs to your reading list. I promise these ladies inspire moms all over the world. And if you have any other favorite mom blogs that you think should be included on this list, please share in the comments!

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